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Introducing Neurointerventions in African Hospital | #doctor #irfacilities #neurointerventions
2022Jan 20
Interventional calls for major Neurointerventions especially in critical cases are challenging. But with our vast experience and flexibility in technique, we save many lives at an unbelievable cost. Introducing Neurointerventions in African Hospital | #doctor #irfacilities #neurointerventions Follow On Social Media- Instagram:   / theirfacili.  . Linkedin:   / irfacilit.  . Facebook:   / theirfacilities   Twitter:   / sandeep04252790  

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IRFacilities (Dr. Sandeep Sharma)

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Varicocele Embolization Largest Live Series by IRFACILITIES
by IRFacilities (Dr. Sandeep Sharma)